GSP4$lVQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.2$ LParametar` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#`Comic Sans MS$'''$'$'$'$'[$'$'$'$'ݾ$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':' HHM4>>mM >>VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.2$ Ljednadba` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` ArialSaComic Sans MS   '''$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':' nQ\aAGT@\@@nQ\aAIa@@z@@nQ\aABZ@@z@? @  @  Y7"?a/3  )<0>nQ\aAan )nP~@ w@4(@ 4\.B@: &@   nQ\aAx6(n 6\.B@: &n   nQ\aAy='n    9nf <0> F0+SB~A~ B~+   fH:   """")"""")@XG 9f  <0> F0"SB~A~ B~"%`gH:   """")"""")@X2*>>>>>>>>>>>>>x2*k<|>1, a=0.5 i a=-1 jedno>>>>>Q>     9 0nQ\aAdesna strana jednakosti> n    ;2nQ\aAlijeva strana jednakostintt=a>>=> n   >"nQ\aArjeenjer-# VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.x$4`. Letverokut` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` Arial Comic Sans MS  '''$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':' AV@r@@0.>>nQ\aAt[3]nJ>>><|>>><|>>><->>><-><->>>nQ\aAt[2]JXnw>0>>>>>>>>>nQ\aAt[1]w  9n^  a<0>H<1x >00SB~A~ B~0&nQ\aAg a>t 9n^  }<0> >0SB~A~ B~"nQ\aAf }:nnQ\aAC|@ ~@@BG@r@? @ 4(@ 4\.eD@: &@   nQ\aAx6(n 6\.B@: &n   nQ\aAy='n    n  )@k/3  /<0>nQ\aAkG 9nf D<0> F0.SB~A~ B~.%`nQ\aAfn  n &HzG?C8nC@BC8C?CH:   g '&^)@XH:   g '&^)@XH:   g '&^)@X  :ٜ?  :?  :%;2?  :q5?  :%;2?  :.?  &q= ףp  &zG?      - $!D - "!E - #"F - $#G5%('&*2)  <0>"nQ\aApovrinaA3n (  `<0>nttja>>j> n   %nQ\aARaun> n   %(nQ\aAveza -#VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.x$K԰Lsustav` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` Arial Comic Sans MS  '''$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':' nQ\aAAd@@@>>>>>>>>>>FnQ\aAt[1]  9nb  <0> B00SB~A~ B~0&nQ\aAf WnnQ\aAC~@t@@B]@@? @  @  Dd?a /3  0V<0>(nQ\aAa4(n 4\.B@: &n   nQ\aAx6(n 6\.B@: &n   nQ\aAy='n   G 9n p <0> P0 .SB~A~ B~.% ` nQ\aAfH:n   ^fffff)^fffff)@XG 9n p <0> P0 SB~A~ B~"  `nQ\aAgH:n   i60)b/)@XH:n   i60)b/)@XnLJ6>>><+>>>>>>>>> n   nQ\aAraunnttVa>>V-#VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.x$Lpramen` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` Arial Comic Sans MS  '''$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':' nQ\aAAV@\@@>>>>nQ\aAt[3]n  nQ\aAt[2]Fn  nQ\aAt[1] @ 9nf E<0> F0'SB~A~ B~'#nQ\aAgE 9nf E<0> F0*SB~A~ B~*!nQ\aAfEnnQ\aAC~@`t@@BF@\@? @  @  R"2?a  /3  C<0>zanQ\aAa4(n 4\.B@: &n   nQ\aAx6(n 6\.B@: &n  nQ\aAy='n  G 9n n W<0> N0 2SB~A~ B~2#``nQ\aAfH:n   ^fffff)^fffff)@XH:n   ^fffff)^fffff)@XH:n   ^fffff)^fffff)@Xn>>>>>2Xn(&S>> n    n"nQ\aArjeenjentta>> 7-#VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.x$WLraun!` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` Arial   '''$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':' nQ\aAAk@]@@->>>>>>nQ\aAt[1]- 9nf  <0> F00SB~A~ B~0&nQ\aAf annQ\aAC~@t@@Be@]@? @  @  Ql4m /3  C<0>nnQ\aAm4(n 4\.B@: &n   nQ\aAx6(n 6\.B@: &n   nQ\aAy='n   G 9n x <0>0<xP X0.SB~A~ B~.%   ` nQ\aAfH:n   ^fffff)^fffff)@XG 9n h <0> H0SB~A~ B~"`nQ\aAgH:n   i60)b/)@XH:n   i60)b/)@Xn><->>>>1x)> n   y"nQ\aArjeenjentta>>#-#VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.x$Ltrokut` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` Arial Comic Sans MS  '''$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':' nQ\aAAU@\@)@`~@t@4(@ 4\.B@: &@  nQ\aAx6(n 6\.B@: &n  nQ\aAy='n  C8nC@@AC8C@BnQ\aAB@Y@ f@@nQ\aABN@ f@? @   @  @a/3  8<0>ynQ\aAan  G 9np .<0> P0 *SB~A~ B~*#``fH:   """")"""")@X  :M@?t?C4 *2  <0>*nQ\aApovrina trokuta? n  2$n .>>>>>>>>>>>>>?>nLL/8>>>>/@n  q7 >>>>>>>q7> n   ~nQ\aAraunnttza>>z?+nhhylU>yl=nddUQ> U> n   "nQ\aA zakljuak -#VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.x$%Lsustav2` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` Arial Comic Sans MS '''$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':') `~@v@4(@ 4\.B@: &@  nQ\aAx6(n 6\.B@: &n  nQ\aAy='n  nDBR.>>>5x Rn @>>> @nG0p@q@@Hr@q@? @   @  ;; m/3  !<0>nQ\aAmG 9n n TS<0>TBin N0 =SB~A~ B~= ` fH:   """")"""")@X  J`g@ z@@K l@ z@? @  @  5P^n/3  <0>nQ\aAnG 9nh Y<0>TBin H0;SB~A~ B~;"`gH:   """")"""")@X >>>>>>>a>    "nQ\aArjeenjentt a>> $-#VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.x$Ldiskriminanta` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` Arial Comic Sans MS '''$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':')  @`}@4(@ 4\.@@: &@  nQ\aAx6(n 6\.B@: &n  nQ\aAy='n  n1%<+<0>>>>x31%nPNS:>>>SP> n   "nQ\aArjeenjennQ\aABo@x@@nQ\aAD`r@x@? @   @  b'vb'vm/3  Z<0>nQ\aAmn  G 9n "<0>T1oj b0|v(q0w|Fq0w` ` `gH:   $x-a8@XnQ\aAB@u@@nQ\aAE@u@? @ @tt^a>>^#"-#VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.x$#Ldiskriminanta2` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` ArialaComic Sans MSX  '''$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':') P~@ps@4(@ 4\.B@: &@  nQ\aAx6(n 6\.B@: &n  nQ\aAy='n  nD>>><+<0>>>>>DnAb@p{@@Bf@p{@? @   @  oo@m/3  /<0>nQ\aAmn  G 9n v <0>0<xP V0 =SB~A~ B~=" ` `fH:   """")"""")@XLL08>>00><+<0>>><|>>>q*ttEa>>Ez>    "nQ\aArjeenje-#VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.x$Ldiskriminanta3` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` Arial Comic Sans MS '''$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':') P~@ps@4(@ 4\.B@: &@  nQ\aAx6(n 6\.B@: &n  nQ\aAy='n  nL><+>>>Ln<(><+<0>><+><+<0>><+>>>>F%nAk@|@@Bp@|@? @   @  @a/3  <0>nQ\aAan  nD`k@@@@Ep@@@? @  @  l(?b/3  <0>nQ\aAbn nG`k@Ȁ@@H p@Ȁ@? @  @  [[?c/3  <0>nQ\aAcG 9n  'z<0>T1i b0ASB~A~ B~A `` ```fH:   """")"""")@X >    "nQ\aArjeenjenttNa>>N-#VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.x$Ldiskriminanta4` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` Arial Comic Sans MS '''$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':') dzE@5 p@4(@ 4\.B@: &@  nQ\aAx6(n 6\.B@: &n  nQ\aAy='n  npn!#Z>>`!#nAg@p|@@B`l@p|@? @   @  y 5@p/3  <0>nQ\aApG 9n z #Q<0>0<xP Z0DSB~A~ B~D(`  `fH:    """")"""")@X  xxe>U<0.5,+>>>>tta>>>     "nQ\aArjeenje-#VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.x$ Lfamilija` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` Arial Comic Sans MS '''$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':') ;@oPL}v@4(@ 4`.rQ@: &@  nQ\aAx6(n 6\.B@: &n  nQ\aAy='n  nAf@P@@B@k@P@? @  @  кm/3  B<0>nQ\aAmG 9n  !<0> b0?SB~A~ B~?% ` `fH:    """")"""")@X0 3 f  /<0>H<ko F0SB~A~ B~"`0 3h  Y<0>H<ko H0SB~A~ B~# ` 0 3 f  C<0>H<ko F0SB~A~ B~`0 3 ~  <0>0<xP ^0SB~A~ B~  `  `    E8T  dd4Q<+><+>>>4V00rd<->>>rd{00<->>>1" TT@>>>>M>><->>><-><->><->><->>>>M6>    "nQ\aArjeenjentt1a>>1@-#VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.x$ Lfamilija2` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` Arial Comic Sans MS '''$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':') P~@ps@4(@ 4\.eD@: &@  nQ\aAx6(n 6\.B@: &n  nQ\aAy='n  n3<+>><0>>3^nA`@@@Bc@@? @  @ll%X><+><-><+>><-><-><+><-><->>>.%& > @    4V"nQ\aArjeenjennQ\aAB@a@0~@@Ee@0~@? @   @  LϺ?k/3   4 <0>VnQ\aAkn  G 9nr 4t<0>0<xP R0 |v(q0w|Fq0w`gH:   Z'+|۞E4@X0 3n 4<0>H<ko N0 |v(q0w|Fq0w  ` 0 3v <0>0<xP V0 |v(q0w|Fq0w `  ` E8Ttta>>'-#VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.x$k Lnejednadba` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` Arial+Comic Sans MSX '''$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':' nQ\aAGT@\@@nQ\aAIa@@z@@nQ\aABZ@@z@? @ @nQ\aAJX@ps@ 9@^ t<0>H<1x >06SB~A~ B~6nQ\aAftnnQ\aAB@ps@@$$&><+>0>>>>>>>>>>>nQ\aAt[2]&a 3nn <0>H<ko N0 SB~A~ B~BG"   nQ\aAh 3nn <0>H<ko N0 SB~A~ B~BG#   nQ\aAgnnQ\aAC o@ @@'F>>>>>x>>nQ\aAt[1]'F? n  n  v7߿a/3  l <0>nQ\aAan 4(n 4\.B@: &n   nQ\aAx6(n 6\.B@: &n   nQ\aAy='n  G 9nv ~<0>0<xP V0 SB~A~ B~^ `   nQ\aAhH:n   ǒ_,"ǒ_,"@XH:n   ǒ_,"X%S0@XTV?y=3G 9T~ `<0>0<xP ^0"SB~A~ B~L"!` ` qH:   ǒ_,"X%S0@X>    "nQ\aArjeenjentta>>-#VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.x$ Lprijelaz` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` Arial Comic Sans MS  '''$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':' AU@\@@B@^@V@@nQ\aABT@V@? @ @F{@@@By@@@)>>>><+>>>>>nQ\aAt[2])bn_><+<0>><-><+<0>>><-><+<0>><-><+<0>>>>>>>nQ\aAt[1]_L,nnQ\aACH@px@? @  @  Od"k/3  UM<0>nQ\aAkn  4(n 4\.B@: &n   nQ\aAx6(n 6\.B@: &n   nQ\aAy='n  G 9n ~ t<0>0<xP ^0+SB~A~ B~p+! ` `nQ\aAgH:n   """")"""")@X0 3n v <0>0<xP V0 SB~A~ B~p! `` E8n G1" TTA>>>>dbO>>>>>>> >     >"nQ\aAmjerenja> n   C"nQ\aArjeenje> n    %SnQ\aAideja> n    "nQ\aAfunkcijantta>>0npn:[>`:w-#VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.2$ Lderivacija1` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` Arial Comic Sans MS '''$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':' AV@r@@BG@r@? @ @I`@@@xvfc><+><|>>>>nQ\aAt[2]fn<+><+>>>xnQ\aAt[1]nnQ\aACP~@ps@@nQ\aAB@W@@? @  @  ]ڕa/3  5$<0>nQ\aAan  G 9n v Z<0>0<xP V0 %SB~A~ B~%`nQ\aAg4(n 4\.B@: &n  nQ\aAx6(n 6\.B@: &n  nQ\aAy='n  H:n    """")"""")@XN Kn  x u<0>0<xP X0@gLgL8F`H:n   """")"""")@X n :%ŷ4?A3n   <0>B3n   <0>0 3nb <0>T1i B0`0 3nf <0>T1i F0`p` E8 ?  >      O"nQ\aAfunkcija> n   $nQ\aA derivacija nttwa>>wj> n   "nQ\aArjeenjea-#VQThat document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad and cannot be opened.|This document was created with a newer version of Sketchpad. Some information may be lost. The document will open as a copy.2$KY Lderivacija2` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q _ ,#GSP4_W_0534/Jun 30 20030#` Arial Comic Sans MS '''$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$'$' $' $' %'&'8'8'8'9':' nQ\aAAQ@@@B8@@? @ @nQ\aACb@@@@$"M<+><+><+><+><+>>><+>><|>>>>>>nQ\aAt[2]MR\n)<+><+><+>>>nQ\aAt[1])TnnQ\aAC@@ x@@nQ\aAB[@@@? @  @  | a/3  !<0>nQ\aAan  G 9n  <0> d0%SB~A~ B~%`nQ\aAh4(n 4\.eB@: &n  nQ\aAx6(n 6\.B@: &n  nQ\aAy='n  H:n    """")"""")@XN Kn   <0> h0@gLgL8F`H:n   """")"""")@X> n     "nQ\aAfunkcija> n    $nQ\aA derivacijantta>>> n   "nQ\aArjeenjea-#